Saturday, May 30, 2009

Time flies

Two years ago, on this day, I still have you by my side.
Two years later, you no longer is, with me.

Opening a new chapter in life... was I?

Our lives are changed by the very decisions we made throughout our lives. Big or small alike, alter the direction of our life. To say that I hold no regret over the choices that I have made would be impossible, I do regret over certain choices that I had made, not because they are bad decisions, neither did I held in great regards over those "good choices" that finds its source from "reasons". I denies not what my heart desire, with all my might, I try. Giving up on my "objectives" is never an option. Not out of pride nor the willfulness of youth, but by the very believe that, "that" will change my life. I crave for change, change change. No, I held no interest in altering history of the world, but I do have abundance of interest in changing my self and my life, to a certain degree that I do hate the establishment, those slow, old, condescending system.

I am not rebellious but when you see and you feel and you knew that something is not right, will you summit and accept to your fate? When the world is heading to its end, will you follow? I denies my heart no desire, for I desire for change. For better or for worst, I will follow my heart.
I walk a lonely path, but if you can see the path as I do, why not follow me?

For hazardous journey, small wages
bitter cold, long month of complete
darkness, constant danger, safe return
doubtful. Honour and recognition
in case of success
-sir Ernest Shackleton 1914

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